I’m excited to share Archer’s finished nursery! I wasn’t sure if I was going to get the room together before his arrival (you can see the original design board here) but since the little guy went a week overdue, I was able to put the finishing touches on the space (including making that mobile on his due date while whispering sweet words like “get out of my belly”) before he made his debut. Enjoy! x
We had Archer’s name picked out from almost the day we found out we were pregnant. We named him Archer because, of course, I love the name (and who doesn’t love arrows as a simple symbol to go along with the name?) but also specifically for the nickname Archie which is Rupe’s grandpa’s name. He is the sweetest 94 year old I’ve ever met. We were actually in England spending time with the family for his grandmother’s funeral when I first suspected we were expecting, so it was very fitting.
As for the rest of his name… it is tradition to have two middle names in Rupe’s family (Rupert’s are Casper & James) so we went with Lee which is my dad’s name and Fox, the only one with no family ties, but with a second middle name I decided I got to pick one just because I liked it. 🙂
Arrow Banner by Ferm LivingI took these photos before Archie was born so the dresser still wasn’t set up as a changing station like it is now, but I will post on that soon!
Curtains from Urban Outfitters // Rods from Amazon // Vintage Paint-by-number Paintings from the Santa Monica Flea
Foxes abound in Archer Lee Fox’s room and Henry the Fox by Walnut Animal Society, has to be the clear favorite.
The glider/rocker is also one of my favorite things in the space. I mean, do you see that copper base! It called to me from the Land of Nod pages saying “hey lady… Archer NEEDS this rocker”.
For a little book storage and display I DIYed those shelves and left the raw wood unfinished to match the crib. More on that later too, if you’d like to see the process.
Milo Swivel Glider from Land of Nod //Set of Three Lidded Baskets from One Kings Lane //Peach Vintage Rug from Frances Loom // Ottoman from Modernhaus I drew this cloud pattern and had the wallpaper custom made. The mirrors from Wayfair ground the wall and further set the dreamy scene with their sun and flower like shapes.
And finally, the affection I have for this crib knows no bounds. Maybe because I am a sucker for beautiful wood in its’ raw state, or the fact that it is by a local LA designer, or that it is made in the USA, orrrr just the beautiful design, but all of it helped make my crib decision very easy. And about those drapes… One night I dreamed about finding white curtains with little pom poms on the side and then the first place I thought to look was Urban Outfitters and like magic, there they were, and they are even black-out curtains! It was totally meant to be, I like to think I dreamed them into existence but Plum & Bow should probably get some credit.
See the room go from a blank box… to a really ugly before (this was the one room we lived in during all the home renovations)… to the design phase and product picks… and then here, all fully realized. Ahh, the most satisfying part… and now I kind of have the nursery design bug. Babies get to have some pretty darling things right?!
Hi jacklyn, yes I just used spoonflower. I wasnt 100% happy with the printing quality. I’ve heard astec is good though. Next time around I’ll hopefully have a good experience to be able to share!
Sarah I have been waiting for the nursery reveal, thank you so much for sharing!! I’m so excited to see it because I am putting together my own nursery, I love the curtains, so whimsical with the ball trim. I would also love a tutorial on the mobile, I was already planning on making one myself and I love how simple it is. Also quick question on the DIY shelves how did you attach yours to the wall, did you use a backing piece to screw them into the wall? Maybe you would include them in the tutorial?? Archer is such a cutie and you have made him a beautiful room congratulations!!!
hi Bailey! Yes planning a DIY post for the shelves too! But to answer your question… We screwed the one piece directly into the wall and secured the front but with a nail gun.
How about you design my nursery! I just can’t seem to get it right… and seriously, everything about this space is exceptional. Archer Lee Fox is a lucky little fella!
Hi LLcoolK, the dresser is mentioned above under the photo with the full photo of it. It is an Ikea hack. I did a full post on just the dresser and the link is above as well! x
Hey Sarah – I love your dresser hack and am thinking about doing the same for my nursery. Quick question since that dresser isn’t very deep, do you find the changing table still fits on it or do you wish you had a bit deeper dresser? It looks a little skinny at 15.5″. Thanks!
Hi Corinne, I feel like it’s a perfect width. It hangs off the back .5″ but the dresser is that far away from the wall anyway because of the baseboards. So the pad ends up being exactly even with the dresser in the front which is nice because there is not much reaching involved to change the baby and I like it when things line up. :). We just attached it to the back so that it doesn’t slide around or go anywhere!
This is such a gorgeous and calming space. I loved watching it come together and the final product is just perfect! I can’t get over that sweet name too.
hi Sarah, love this room! Do you mind sharing your rug sizes? I am working on layering two as well but stuck on sizes for each and yours are perfect! Thanks.
[…] I want to step into baby-land and find myself in paradise, not…the opposite. Stepping into this would probably inspire me to breastfeed fifteen minutes longer than I feel like doing, and even […]
I’m absolutely in love with what you did in your nursery! It’s how I found out about the Kalon Studios Caravan crib (which I am seriously considering for my son’s nursery). I’m wondering how the raw/ unfinished wood is holding up? Has it cracked or started to look dingy at all over time? I love the look, but am concerned about it lasting.
Hi kacey! The quality of this crib is above and beyond. I can’t say enough about how good the quality is really. No signs of wear yet, its still gorgeous and after having it for coming up on a year I’d highly recommend it!
Hi Sarah, an absolutely darling nursery! Dying for your mobile tutorial! I’ve been on the hunt searching up and down for the perfect one and I have to tell you, it’s hard! So as in all cases, custom is the best way to go 🙂
I just stumbled upon this blog entry while randomly googling nursery design stuff. I just HAD to comment, even though this post is over 8 months old, because our sons have almost the same name! Our little Archer Lee was born in July. Both are family names for us too. Archer is my husband’s middle name and was his great grandfather’s middle name, and Lee is my dad’s middle name as well as part of my middle name (Leigh-Anne) and my great grandmother’s name (Emma Lee). Just no second middle name for us even though I have two (three to those people confused by the hyphen, lol.) myself.
It is a small world, lol. Thank you! We are doing well. Our little guy was a preemie (originally due in October), but he is growing so much and doing GREAT now!
[…] as we speak), my first instinct was to go with another beautiful Persian rug, like our bedroom, archie’s room, our living room, and almost every other room, because they are just so good, but where is the fun […]
Hi, there! BEAUTIFUL nursery. Just wondering if you ever posted pictures of the dresser set up as changing table; we are thinking about doing this for our little one arriving later this year, and I’m wondering how you structured it and how it has worked out. Haven’t been able to find another post in your archives!
[…] already did a fair amount of gushing about Archer’s crib but I am going to start highlighting more of my favorite designers, makers, and artists and […]
[…] launch. It’s called SAY. You may recognize the pattern from the wallpaper I designed for Archer’s nursery and I have to say it is SO fun seeing it 3 dimensional, on clothing. For years my full-time job […]
This post was just what I needed!! Not sure if you’ll be seeing any responses/questions from this anymore but I would love to know (and this is so small and random) where that little owl on the chair came from!!
Hi there! Beautiful nursery! I was wondering if the curtains were the plum and now Pom Pom black out curtain in ivory? They do not have a white option. Only ivory. Thank you so much
[…] were designing in Hollywood and I ended up making a custom mobile for the nursery, inspired by the one I made for Archer. The house belonged to Erin Fetherson and out came Domino Magazine where it was featured in the […]
[…] converted the studio to a guesthouse. When Archie arrived we transformed our only guest room to his nursery, which left us with no space for family to stay, other than crashing in the living room. Once we […]
[…] that stretches and is very hard to install (belive me I know, that’s the kind I used in Archer’s nursery and it was a huge pain to install and the pattern didn’t line up in some places because of […]
[…] Color Inspiration Image Sources, Left to Right: Nursery by Akin Design Studio | Bookshelves by Amber Interiors | Nursery by Sarah Sherman Samuel […]
[…] a line on my own, I started creating my own designs one by one. The first one was the clouds for my son’s nursery, the second was the Pink Marble which I had installed in the Light Lab bathroom (which is also the […]
Girl, I have been searching for the perfect mobile for my son’s nursery and this.is.it! I hope to see a tutorial or some of these beauties for sale soon! You have my business!
[…] am loving this sweet nursery design by Sarah Sherman Samuel. Doesn’t it give off such a wonderfully cozy and comfortable vibe? I adore the mix of […]
What a beautiful design for decorating and well organizing home. While searching over the internet I found your blog and love the design which you shared in this blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
Oh, I definitely need Henry the Fox as well! A beautiful room for beautiful Archer! Thanks for sharing Sarah.
Yes! Amy you totally do. All Henry’s need a Henry the fox. Ha (my sister has a Henry too)
Hi Sarah! Love the room!! Could you please tell me where the wallpaper is from?
hi Jennifer, I drew the pattern myself and had the wallpaper custom made.
Are those the Ivory curtain panels? They are so cute, looking at now for my nursery!
Hi Kelsey! Yes the ivory ones! They aren’t very creamy ivory more of a grayish off white.
Love the mobile. Can you do a tutorial????
Hi dylcia, yes! I’ll try and share one soon!
It looks great! And now I must ask… where did you find your fiddle leaf fig plant pot?
Hey Kimberly! Crap I always forget something. Ha the pot is actually from Home Depot! I spray painted it matte white.
Beautiful! What shade of white did you use for the paint?
Hi Lauren. Oh yes, It’s snowfall by behr!
I am also interested in where you had the wallpaper made. Did you use a service like Spoonflower? Or did you go through a industry/trade only service?
Hi jacklyn, yes I just used spoonflower. I wasnt 100% happy with the printing quality. I’ve heard astec is good though. Next time around I’ll hopefully have a good experience to be able to share!
Sarah I have been waiting for the nursery reveal, thank you so much for sharing!! I’m so excited to see it because I am putting together my own nursery, I love the curtains, so whimsical with the ball trim. I would also love a tutorial on the mobile, I was already planning on making one myself and I love how simple it is. Also quick question on the DIY shelves how did you attach yours to the wall, did you use a backing piece to screw them into the wall? Maybe you would include them in the tutorial?? Archer is such a cutie and you have made him a beautiful room congratulations!!!
hi Bailey! Yes planning a DIY post for the shelves too! But to answer your question… We screwed the one piece directly into the wall and secured the front but with a nail gun.
How about you design my nursery! I just can’t seem to get it right… and seriously, everything about this space is exceptional. Archer Lee Fox is a lucky little fella!
Haha Brittany I have a feeling you will do juuuust fine. 😉 but if you really need help totally give me a shout! xo
I really like the dresser. Of course it’s the one thing that wasn’t mentioned. Where is it from, and what color is it painted? Thanks!
Hi LLcoolK, the dresser is mentioned above under the photo with the full photo of it. It is an Ikea hack. I did a full post on just the dresser and the link is above as well! x
I have the exact same paint by number print and LOVE it!
I think Archer needs this stuffie for his fox collection: http://www.aliciapaulson.com/collections/softie-kits/products/mr-basil-fox-softie-kit
Ah so cute @elise. I think you’re right I might have to add him to the collection. 🙂
this is so so beautiful!
ladies in navy
Hey Sarah – I love your dresser hack and am thinking about doing the same for my nursery. Quick question since that dresser isn’t very deep, do you find the changing table still fits on it or do you wish you had a bit deeper dresser? It looks a little skinny at 15.5″. Thanks!
Hi Corinne, I feel like it’s a perfect width. It hangs off the back .5″ but the dresser is that far away from the wall anyway because of the baseboards. So the pad ends up being exactly even with the dresser in the front which is nice because there is not much reaching involved to change the baby and I like it when things line up. :). We just attached it to the back so that it doesn’t slide around or go anywhere!
@sarah thanks, I love this room!
Where did you get the gold curtain rod rings/clips? Thanks!
I also would love to know the answer to this question!
this is such a gorgeous nursery, words can’t even describe!!! It’s so up my ally and what a wonderful little name too 🙂
This is such a gorgeous and calming space. I loved watching it come together and the final product is just perfect! I can’t get over that sweet name too.
hi Sarah, love this room! Do you mind sharing your rug sizes? I am working on layering two as well but stuck on sizes for each and yours are perfect! Thanks.
Holy diapers that rocker is AMAZING!!! Such an amazing nursery Sarah. Of course I expected nothing less
[…] Lauren spotted this serene and stylish nursery tour over on Smitten Studio. […]
Wow this is a gorgeous nursery. I love the foxes, the wallpaper and the cot is beautiful! So much inspiration! x
[…] I want to step into baby-land and find myself in paradise, not…the opposite. Stepping into this would probably inspire me to breastfeed fifteen minutes longer than I feel like doing, and even […]
Beautiful room Sarah! Do you remember what is the main room color is? Thank you!
I would also love a tutorial on the mobile
Perfection! Please post a tutorial of that beautiful mobile! 🙂
A beautiful room for an adorable baby! Did you made the shelves? Curious to see how you did them – love the simplicity!
I’m absolutely in love with what you did in your nursery! It’s how I found out about the Kalon Studios Caravan crib (which I am seriously considering for my son’s nursery). I’m wondering how the raw/ unfinished wood is holding up? Has it cracked or started to look dingy at all over time? I love the look, but am concerned about it lasting.
Hi kacey! The quality of this crib is above and beyond. I can’t say enough about how good the quality is really. No signs of wear yet, its still gorgeous and after having it for coming up on a year I’d highly recommend it!
Hi Sarah, an absolutely darling nursery! Dying for your mobile tutorial! I’ve been on the hunt searching up and down for the perfect one and I have to tell you, it’s hard! So as in all cases, custom is the best way to go 🙂
I just stumbled upon this blog entry while randomly googling nursery design stuff. I just HAD to comment, even though this post is over 8 months old, because our sons have almost the same name! Our little Archer Lee was born in July. Both are family names for us too. Archer is my husband’s middle name and was his great grandfather’s middle name, and Lee is my dad’s middle name as well as part of my middle name (Leigh-Anne) and my great grandmother’s name (Emma Lee). Just no second middle name for us even though I have two (three to those people confused by the hyphen, lol.) myself.
Your little guy’s nursery is very cool, btw.
oh my goodness! NO WAY. haha small world. I hope you and your Archer Lee are well:)
It is a small world, lol. Thank you! We are doing well. Our little guy was a preemie (originally due in October), but he is growing so much and doing GREAT now!
I have been looking for curtain rods just like that! I love the nursery! Could you tell me what company on Amazon had the curtain rods?
Hi! The link under the photo with the close up of the curtain rod links right to the exact rod!
[…] as we speak), my first instinct was to go with another beautiful Persian rug, like our bedroom, archie’s room, our living room, and almost every other room, because they are just so good, but where is the fun […]
Hi, there! BEAUTIFUL nursery. Just wondering if you ever posted pictures of the dresser set up as changing table; we are thinking about doing this for our little one arriving later this year, and I’m wondering how you structured it and how it has worked out. Haven’t been able to find another post in your archives!
Hi Sarah! I am wondering if you still love your glider chair — I am torn between that one and the Joya Rocker from Land of Nod, Ah!! Decisions 🙂
Hi Sarah!
Where did you find those handle bars for the dresser?? I’m obsessed with them, and Archer’s nursery 🙂
Love this nursery! Wondering where you got the wooden number/letter blocks.
[…] 1: Archer’s Nursery – Smitten Studio by Sarah Sherman Samuel; No. 2: Cruz’s Nursery – Apartment Therapy; No. 3: The Animal Print Shop Nursery […]
[…] already did a fair amount of gushing about Archer’s crib but I am going to start highlighting more of my favorite designers, makers, and artists and […]
[…] launch. It’s called SAY. You may recognize the pattern from the wallpaper I designed for Archer’s nursery and I have to say it is SO fun seeing it 3 dimensional, on clothing. For years my full-time job […]
[…] source […]
This post was just what I needed!! Not sure if you’ll be seeing any responses/questions from this anymore but I would love to know (and this is so small and random) where that little owl on the chair came from!!
Everything is so inspiring. Thank you so much!
[…] Modern Nursery: Sarah Samuel | Pink Ceiling Nursery: 100 Layer Cakelet | White Nursery: The Style Files | […]
Where is the cute little owl from that sits in the ottoman?
[…] VIA | 1. 100 Layers Cake Aztec Nursery 2. Hendrix & Harlow Pouf 3. Stories Nursery 4. The Little Kidz Closet Basket 5. Style Me Pretty Cart 6. Apartment Therapy Changing […]
[…] VIA | 1. 100 Layers Cake Aztec Nursery 2. Hendrix & Harlow Pouf 3. Stories Nursery 4. The Little Kidz Closet Basket 5. Style Me Pretty Cart 6. Apartment Therapy Changing […]
[…] VIA | 1. 100 Layers Cake Aztec Nursery 2. Hendrix & Harlow Pouf 3. Stories Nursery 4. The Little Kidz Closet Basket 5. Style Me Pretty Cart 6. Apartment Therapy Changing […]
Hi there! Beautiful nursery! I was wondering if the curtains were the plum and now Pom Pom black out curtain in ivory? They do not have a white option. Only ivory. Thank you so much
[…] Image: Mini Style Blog Image: Sarah Sherman Samuel […]
Hi Sarah
Can you please tell me how you made the shelves?
[…] were designing in Hollywood and I ended up making a custom mobile for the nursery, inspired by the one I made for Archer. The house belonged to Erin Fetherson and out came Domino Magazine where it was featured in the […]
[…] 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / […]
[…] Photo: Sarah Sherman Samuel […]
[…] converted the studio to a guesthouse. When Archie arrived we transformed our only guest room to his nursery, which left us with no space for family to stay, other than crashing in the living room. Once we […]
Love your nursery!! Do you mind telling me where you got the sheepskin rug? I have been looking for one that size and shape! Thanks! Molly
Sheepskin rug is from IKEA! x
[…] that stretches and is very hard to install (belive me I know, that’s the kind I used in Archer’s nursery and it was a huge pain to install and the pattern didn’t line up in some places because of […]
[…] 1. makeover // 2. the glitter guide // 3. sarah sherman samuel // 4. pinterest // 5. charleston // 6. laure joliet // 7. sarah sweeney // 8. calivintage // 9. […]
I am wondering how you made the mobile! I saw you were thinking about possibly doing a tutorial? Did that ever happen? It is gorgeous!
Gorgeous Nursery!!! & I absolutely adore the natural wooden mobile you made. It would be so amazing if you posted a DIY tutorial for it!!
[…] Color Inspiration Image Sources, Left to Right: Nursery by Akin Design Studio | Bookshelves by Amber Interiors | Nursery by Sarah Sherman Samuel […]
[…] via Sarah Sherman […]
[…] via Sarah Sherman […]
[…] a line on my own, I started creating my own designs one by one. The first one was the clouds for my son’s nursery, the second was the Pink Marble which I had installed in the Light Lab bathroom (which is also the […]
[…] is the mobile I made for Archie on his due date. We still have to build a bedroom for him so it is sweet to see it hanging in […]
Girl, I have been searching for the perfect mobile for my son’s nursery and this.is.it! I hope to see a tutorial or some of these beauties for sale soon! You have my business!
[…] Sarah used the paint-by-numbers landscape to set the tone for her nursery design. […]
[…] am loving this sweet nursery design by Sarah Sherman Samuel. Doesn’t it give off such a wonderfully cozy and comfortable vibe? I adore the mix of […]
[…] Credit: Sarah Sherman Samuel […]
Love the images which you shared in this blog. And the most amazing in your blog is cloud pattern wallpaper. Thanks for sharing with us.
What a beautiful design for decorating and well organizing home. While searching over the internet I found your blog and love the design which you shared in this blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
[…] I used to be about to decor Archer’s nursery room with a sports activities theme, my husband stopped me. He instructed me that we shouldn’t […]