We are back shouting out our forever love for kids’ places and spaces. And for this special custom mural by artist sammy hauschild for mandy moore’s and taylor goldsmith’s son, Gus.
These places and spaces are a favorite to design and let our own imaginations run wild. And a goal with all of our design choices is to encourage the wonder and imagination of the child. From the color of the room, to the art, the toys and decor, books…we want every detail to spark their curiosity. We go for bold prints, pops of colors, mixing shapes and creating just the right amount of whim.
Take a peek today into our tightly stuffed folder of the places and spaces for kids we are loving.
our kid picks for their spaces:
photo credits:
01// sarah sherman samuel artist: sammy hauschild 02// photo:horwood photo. design: emma ainscough 03// cole and son wallpapers 04// alison coldridge 05// mette norrild 06// het klejine. droomhuis 07// studio mini shop. photo: katrine rohrberg 08// friedalovesemil 09// otto line devries. design: gray benko 10// gabriella belin 11// made by mowie 12// velvet k leuren vintage