One of the hardest reasons to let the #sssshowhouse go was leaving behind the custom interior doors designed and made by pop pop. They are absolute showstoppers, massive beauties. A piece of art for every room. I created my case piece for Lulu and Gerogia around them to ensure I could keep a piece of them forever.
And also, the entry was one of the first big (and I mean BIG) ideas I sketched up as I was dreaming up the show house. I wanted something that would make a strong statement but feel congruous with the rest of the house. I worked with Maiden Steel on this 9’ x 7’ pivot steel door, complete with a custom sss handle, and it sure does make an entrance.
shop my door picks:
photo credits:
01// sarah sherman samuel 02// sarah sherman samuel 03// inglisa architects 04// nota blum marabella 05// artichoke ltd 06// indo architect photo onistories 07// lindy e galloway photo sam frost studio 08// pierre lacroix photo yannick labrousse 09// ralph germann and lionel henriod 10// studio gutow
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